Thursday 21st of November
10.00 AM – 12.00 pm – Badges and accreditations
1.00 PM – Reception of the delegates at ACROPOLIS
2.00 PM – Opening Ceremony of the VIIIth International Congress for Victims of Terrorism (45 min) in presence of french and foreign authorities, …
3.00 PM – Word of victims (Duration: 30 min. Short testimonies of different victims, of different nationalities, with a moderator)
3.30 PM – Expert Opinion : Evolution of the terrorist threat (Duration: 60 min. Participants: french and foreign experts + 1 moderator)
4.30 PM – Break
5.00 PM – Expert opinion : The role of victims in preventing radicalization (Duration: 60 min. Participants: french and foreign experts + 1 moderator)
6.00 PM – Works closing, intervention of a french or international authority
Friday 22nd of November
8.30 AM – Reception
9.00 AM – Opening of works, intervention by a french or international authority
9.30 AM – Round table : Dealing with victims of terrorism: the role of states (Duration: 90 min. Participants: french and foreign experts + 1 moderator)
11.00 AM – Break
11.30 AM – Round table: Role of local authorities in supporting victims (Duration: 90 min. Participants: french and foreign experts + 1 moderator)
1.00 PM – Lunch
2.30 PM – Round Table: Specific accompaniment of child victims of terrorism (Duration: 90 min. Participants: french and foreign experts + 1 moderator)
4.00 PM – Break
4.30 PM – Round table: Specific support for carers and first responders (Duration: 90 min. Participants: french and foreign experts + 1 moderator)
6.00 PM – Works closing, intervention of a french or international authority
9.00 PM – Concert in honor of the victims of terrorism and all those who assist them
Saturday 23rd of November
8.30 AM – Reception
9.00 AM – Opening of works, intervention by a french or international authority
09.30 AM – Word of victims (Duration: 30 min. Short testimonies of different victims, of different nationalities, with a moderator)
10.00 AM – Expert Opinion : Victim Recognition and Remembrance (Duration: 60 min. Participants: french and foreign experts + 1 moderator)
11.00 PM – Break
11.30 PM – Closing of the works and departure for the public ceremony
12.30 PM – Public ceremony, tribute to the victims of terrorism – Speeches of french and foreign personalities, victims of terrorism hymn, wreath laying, minute of silence, reading of the manifesto by 15 victims of terrorism music …
1.30 PM – End of the congress
2 commentaires
Maureen Basnicki
12 juin 2019 at 13 h 55 min
I am a Canadian 9/11 Widow and have been advocating for Victims of violent crime for many years.
18 octobre 2019 at 8 h 37 min
As a victim of terrorism here in Northern Ireland where my oldest son was murdered by terrorists I believe events like this help victims and show them that they are not on their own and offer support to all victims. A fantastic way of bringing victims together and giving them a voice.